Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today, like a lot of days lately, I miss my best girlfriends. You know, the kind of friends who know just about everything about you, the good AND the bad, and they still love you just the same. My best girlfriends are from college. We have been friends for over 14 years (wow, I feel kind of old saying that!), and we have all settled in different states since graduating from college.

Several of us have kids now, and as my own daughter grows and changes daily, I want more and more to share my day-to-day life with my best friends. I love my husband to pieces, but sometimes I just need some good "girl time." The last time I was with my best girlfriends was when my friend JoAnna ("Nanner") and I were both a couple of months away from giving birth to our first children. Those two children are now 15 months old, and I have not been with my best girlfriends since that time in January '07. It makes me sad!

I guess I need to spend more time cultivating my relationships with friends where I live. I only have one best girlfriend who has even a remote possibility of ever moving to the Nashville area (I am still praying for that, Ju Ju!!), so I must accept that the visits between myself and my best girlfriends will be few and far between for the foreseeable future, at least while we have small children. So, I need to make the effort to be a better friend to the friends I have where I live. I vow to work on that because I know I can create special relationships with local friends who are in my life now, just as a did with my friends in college.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My First Blogging Day!

Hey, everybody! Today is my first "blogging" day. I feel really cool!! Well, maybe just slightly cool. I can't promise that my blog will be the most exciting you have ever seen, but I will try to post interesting stories, pictures, etc. to let you know what I have going on in my life. I figure this is a great way for my friends and family to keep in touch with me even though you all may not see me often! So, welcome to my blog and enjoy!!