Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Bounty

I went to Publix yesterday and saved a TON. Thanks to my friend Angel's Faithful and Frugal class, I learned how to use coupons and save a bundle on groceries! Yesterday I spent $67.46 and SAVED $98.28! Woop Woop! Here's what I got...

8 6-packs Mott's applesauce cups

8 4-packs Dole fruit cups

10 packages Green Giant vegies

4 4-packs Yoplait Plus yogurts

5 4-packs Yoplait Fiber-One yogurts

2 Smart Balance spreads

1 Smart Balance sticks

6 packages Knorr pasta and rice sides

6 bottles All Small & Mighty detergent

1 8-roll package Sparkle paper towels

1 roll Publix paper towels (the penny item for the day)

4 sweet potatoes

2 packages grape tomatoes

1 head broccoli

1 package strawberries

1/2 gallon chocolate milk

1 package Peppridge Farms stuffing mix

I LOVE saving money!!! :)

Happy Birthday, Sydney Lynne!

Well, our "baby" turned 2 last week. Sooooo hard to believe! We had two birthday celebrations (two for turning 2!). First, we had a Hello Kitty birthday party with friends on the 14th. Here are some pics of the festivities!

The sweet birthday girl.

There were lots of Hello Kitty balloons and decorations!

Enjoying some pizza with birthday friends!

The gifts begin...

The BIG hit of the party- the wagon from Grammy and Granddaddy!!

You can never have too much birthday cake!

For Sydney Lynne's actual birthday on the 19th, we got brave and went to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time! Needless to say, it was a CELEBRATION! Some pics of the fun!

Happy Birthday, Peeps! Mommy and Daddy love you more than ANYTHING, and we thank God every day for giving you to us!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Love You

Tonight my precious angel, Sydney Lynne, said "I love you, Mommy" for the first time! It was SUCH SWEET MUSIC to my ears! Apparently, Todd had been "working" with Sydney to get her to say, "I love you." I guess he was successful!

Earlier this afternoon, I was changing Sydney's diaper, and she was on her phone (the play one) pretending to call Daddy. I said, "Do you want to call Daddy on the real phone?" to which she replied, "Yes!" So, we proceeded to call Todd, and while on the phone I said to Sydney, "Say 'I miss you, Daddy'" which she did! I then said, "Say 'I love you, Daddy,'" and she did that, too! I was amazed (because I didn't know Todd had been trying to get her to say "I love you")!! After we got off the phone with Daddy, we called Ga Ga (my daddy, Granddaddy, Ga Ga for short). Sydney told him she missed him and loved him, too! He was thrilled!! We could hear the excitement in his voice! We tried to call Grammy, but she didn't answer the phone. We talked to her and to Todd's dad later in the evening, and Sydney told them she missed and loved them, too! Everyone was so excited to hear those sweet words from our daughter's mouth!!

When I was rocking Sydney before bed tonight, I told her I loved her (like I do a million times a day- I ALWAYS want her to know her mommy loves her!). She smiled, and I asked, "Can you say 'I love you, Mommy'"? She smiled again and said, "I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!!" My heart just about burst! What a special moment!! I intend to treasure it forever!! I look forward to the day when Sydney can say "I love you" without being asked, but for now I will take it however I can get it!! :)

Friday, March 13, 2009


Wow! What an "Aha!" moment I had this morning! Todd and I were out all day yesterday and didn't get the mail in until late last night. This morning I was going through the mail when I saw a card from my sweet friend Natasha who used to work with me at DMA. She and her husband are now out in Las Vegas spreading God's Word to hurting kids all around the country through a Christian ministry called Turning Point. Natasha is one of few people I know who takes the time to send notes of love and encouragement to others. She loves to write notes to people, and you always know that when you receive something from her in the mail, it's going to be special! Today was one of those times when I received something very special from Natasha (I hope you don't mind me sharing this with others!).

Inside Natasha's card there was a sticky note attached to it that said this: "Michelle, I don't know what you'll think about the msg in this card cause I don't know what to think, ha. I wrote the 1st sentence one week ago and after a week of prayer, the Holy Spirit led me as best as I could understand & hear as I wrote & finished this card. May it bless you & speak right to your heart. Love, Natasha."

Well, of course that peaked my curiosity! As I then read the card, this is what it said (the front of the card had these beautiful flowers and the message "You add sweetness to my life"): "Michelle, YOU add sweetness to my life. I was sitting here thinking about you and all the positive qualities you have, but instead of listing them and smothering you in praises, I asked God what He would have me say to you... 'Michelle, you are my daughter whom I love. I hand picked you, chose you and call you by name. There have been trials and hard times in your life and walk with me, but you have persevered, and I am a proud Papa. You are my delight and bring me much joy. There are days that I miss your attention and long for you. Yes, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day, and therefore my yearning grows because I AM a Jealous Lover. It is my desire to speak to you daily, my dear. My love is overwhelming and blankets your home and family, won't you please acknowledge me more? I have much blessing for you- in the Secret Place. It is in our intimacy that I will reveal great and unsearchable things to you. I am pursuing you relentlessly, my bride, won't you please come and meet with me? Daddy God.'"

WOW. Amazing. It's hard to describe how I felt when I read those words. It was like God himself had written that note, and I guess He had since Natasha had listened to the Holy Spirit, and He had given her the words to write. I can't tell you how many times in the past few months, and maybe even years, that I have told myself that I needed to spend more time with God. I get so busy and distracted with my life that I don't take the time to STOP and give God the time that He DESERVES. I will have things on my mind, and I will say to myself, "You know, you could probably figure this out a lot easier if you just stopped, talked to God, and listened to what He has to say to you." Most of the time I continue on my merry way and don't do what I KNOW is the right thing to do. The card from Natasha was just what I needed to remind me of God's love and His desire to spend time with me. May I not take that lightly, and may I give him the attention that He DESERVES.