Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Bounty

I went to Publix yesterday and saved a TON. Thanks to my friend Angel's Faithful and Frugal class, I learned how to use coupons and save a bundle on groceries! Yesterday I spent $67.46 and SAVED $98.28! Woop Woop! Here's what I got...

8 6-packs Mott's applesauce cups

8 4-packs Dole fruit cups

10 packages Green Giant vegies

4 4-packs Yoplait Plus yogurts

5 4-packs Yoplait Fiber-One yogurts

2 Smart Balance spreads

1 Smart Balance sticks

6 packages Knorr pasta and rice sides

6 bottles All Small & Mighty detergent

1 8-roll package Sparkle paper towels

1 roll Publix paper towels (the penny item for the day)

4 sweet potatoes

2 packages grape tomatoes

1 head broccoli

1 package strawberries

1/2 gallon chocolate milk

1 package Peppridge Farms stuffing mix

I LOVE saving money!!! :)