Friday, October 24, 2008

One Vote

We are less than two weeks away from the election, and there is sooooo much riding on this election. I ask you to please watch this video and think about the power of one vote, YOUR VOTE, in this election.

One Vote

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cooked Through- A Lesson on Beauty

I received this devotional in my email inbox today, and I thought it was worth sharing. I know I am personally very guilty of caring more about my outer beauty than my inner beauty!

Despite the fact that I cook every night, my spiritual gift is definitely not in the kitchen.

Last night, I was running behind as I cooked burgers on the grill. I needed the meat to cook more quickly so, novice cook that I am, I figured that turning up the heat was a pretty good option. I cooked, I flipped, and I added cheese. I garnished each masterpiece with lettuce, tomato, and onion, and I waited for the compliments to rush in from my beloved family.

“Mom, why is my bun soaked?”
“Whoa, look at how gushy and red this meat is.”
My youngest tried to come to my rescue, “Well, from the outside, this burger looks amazing!”

The outside…I thought that if it looked good on the outside then surely the inside must look just as good.

As women, we can be so focused on our outward appearances that we neglect the meat of what God sees.

Each morning, we spend time applying our makeup and fixing our hair, but do we have the same resolve to prepare ourselves inwardly to face the day, every day? Maybe the shine from the lip gloss is imperative for the world, but what about the shine that God wants to develop from within?

We take time to dress in our stylish clothing and accessorize with our fashionista jewelry, but even with these condiments, we become like that burger—cooked on the outside but not yet ready on the inside. The pathetic truth is that quite often the necessity for personal grooming to look good to the world pushes aside the quiet times of grooming that would make me look better to God.

I have to wonder whether God looks at me some mornings and says, “Are you going out looking like that? Baby, you’re not ready. Why don’t you let Me help you?”

What I really need to realize is that it’s only man who looks at my outward appearance. The Lord is looking right at my heart. All the makeovers in the world will do nothing for my beauty compared with the daily heart makeovers that He wants to perform.

Next time I’m grilling burgers, I’ll be certain to leave enough time to cook them completely. And tomorrow morning, beyond the primping time, I’ll be certain to leave plenty of room for God to work as the Master Chef ensuring that I, too, am “cooked through.”

Friday, October 17, 2008

Where Was Obama Born??

I promise I am not a political "junkie," even though it appears that I am from all of the videos and such that I have been posting to my blog lately. I just feel like this information is really important, and I am appalled that people don't seem to care about any of it. I know McCain is no saint, but Obama is nothing but a FRAUD! Enjoy my latest video:

Where Was Obama Born??

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Catholic Vote 2008

I am personally not Catholic, but I think this video can speak to all Christians concerning the 2008 Presidential election:

Catholic Vote 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Interesting YouTube Videos

This guy is on YouTube, and he makes some REALLY good points! Take a few minutes and watch these videos:

Barack and Abortion- Good Points About Abortion in General

The Diddy Retort- I'm Glad I'm Not the Only Person Who Thinks Diddy Is an Idiot!!

The Past 7 1/2 Years

I received this email the other day and thought it was QUITE INTERESTING. Read and ponder....

Just think about these facts -- most of which you know already, but have perhaps forgotten in the hurricane of recent nonsense and bull...oney!!!

George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six, the economy was fine.
A little over one year ago:

1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high.
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon.
3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%
4) The DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000+.
5) American's were buying new cars, taking cruises, vacations overseas, living large!

But Americans wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress and yes--we got 'CHANGE' all right. In the PAST YEAR:

1) Consumer confidence has plummeted.
2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon & climbing!
3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10% increase).
4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and prices are still dropping.
5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.






Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Random Obama Thought

I watched the debate last night, and for the most part I was bored. One thing that really stood out to me, though, was listening to Obama talk about his concern over the people who haved been killed in Darfur, Rawanda, etc. Is it just me, or do you also find it interesting that Obama is so concerned about THOSE people dying, but he doesn't care about the THOUSANDS of babies who are killed through abortion every year?!?! Don't get me wrong. I DETEST hatred, killing, genocide of any kind, so I DO care about "those" people. I just find it interesting that Obama can be so concerned about killing of one sort and not of another........

Is God Trying to Tell Me Something??

I received two devotionals via email today that were very similar, and it made me wonder if God was trying to tell me something. Here is the first devotional I read from my Proverbs 31 ( email:

Have you ever grown frustrated with God over situations in your life? Have you gone to Him and poured out those feelings in prayer?

If so, you’ll be able to relate to the prophet Habakkuk, who lived roughly 600 years before Christ. His book of the Bible begins with this complaint: “How long, O Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save me. Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrong?” (Hab.1:2-3, NIV).

God answered Habakkuk by telling him to be patient and to watch, that He will do amazing things and usher in justice – but only in His timing.

Passionate, honest, gut-level prayers have been recorded through out the Bible. Habakkuk wasn’t the only one to complain. Moses, Gideon, and Elijah all questioned God. Job even cursed the day God made him and said, “I loathe my very life; therefore I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul.” (Job 10:1, NIV).

In his anguish, Job accused God of afflicting people for no reason (Job 9:17), overwhelming them with misery (Job 9:18), and not caring about injustice (Job 9:22, 24). Job even wondered if maybe God was laughing at the pain of the innocent (Job 9:22). None of these accusations are accurate – far from it – but we can sometimes feel that way in times of severe suffering or testing. God knows our deepest thoughts and feelings, so it’s futile to think we can hide them from Him. Better to come clean with how we really feel, get it off our chest in prayer, and hopefully clear the way to hear and receive God’s reply or comfort.

I’ve complained to God in the past for allowing my loved ones to die or fall deep into sin, for allowing valuable things to be stolen from me, for allowing my reputation to be unfairly tarnished, for allowing physical suffering in my body, or for not allowing what I felt I deserved. My goal is to be a woman of faith who can take such things in stride with Him. But when I’m losing that stride, I’ve found the best thing I can do is honestly take these feelings to God where they can be traded for His perspective and His comforting assurance.

Though God does not always change my circumstances the way I want Him to, He can and does change my perspective on those circumstances – enabling me to endure them.

God listens when we complain about injustice. He understands when we feel shortchanged or opposed. Read through the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and you’ll be reminded of just how much Jesus can relate to undeserved opposition!

Be honest before God in prayer today. While maintaining a holy respect for Him and thanksgiving for His saving grace, pour out the good, the bad and the ugly of your feelings. As Habakkuk, Job and others discovered, God can handle our intense emotions and questions. He may not explain Himself fully to us – perhaps because we can’t fully understand – but He will flood us with His love when we come humbly and honestly before Him and pour out our heart.

After reading that devotional, I opened up my daily devotional from Way FM (

I don't even have the words to pray.

Have you ever sat down to pray, and didn’t know what to say? How do you pray when you’re angry with God? When circumstances are so out of control that you don’t even know what to ask for? Thankfully, God has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit.When we don’t know what to pray for, the Spirit will speak to God for us. God knows our hearts and minds, and exactly what we are going through. So even if you sit in silence and throw your hands in the air because you don’t know what to do, or if you just cry or scream, God hears you. He understands and knows exactly what you need.

Romans 8:26-27
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers harmony with God’s own will.

I don't know about you, but I found these two devotionals to be very similar. They both talked about crying out to God and being angry or not even knowing what to say or how to pray. For me personally, I THINK everything is A-OK in my little part of the world right now, but I do think a lot these days about the "bigger picture" of all the craziness going on in the world around me. There are times when I am at a loss for words when I try to pray to God about our current world situation. It just seems like there is SO MUCH to pray for that I don't even know how or where to begin. There are things that can make me sad, angry, and bitter if I let them, but I have to CHOOSE daily to hand things over to God because HE IS IN CHARGE. HE KNOWS what is happening in our world today. HE KNOWS how depserate people are all over the world. HE KNOWS the hell that people live in on a daily basis. I may not know how to pray about such things, but I can rest assured that GOD CARES and that despite everything HE IS IN CONTROL.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Wee Bit of Jealousy

Many of you know that I used to work at Belmont University. I worked there twice. First, I worked in housing from 1998 to 2001, and I oversaw two residence halls. Then, I left for a few years and returned in 2004 to work in the Registrar's Office. While Belmont was a wonderful place to work, when Sydney was born I decided to stay home with her, so I quit my job there. I have since gone back to work part-time, but not at Belmont. I LOVE my current job, but today I must admit that I wish I was back at Belmont. I am also a little jealous of my friends who still work there. Why am I jealous today?? Well, it's because of the 2008 Presidential Debate that is happening on Belmont's campus tonight, baby!!

I am jealous of the excitement and energy on Belmont's campus today. It is such an honor and privilege to be asked to host a Presidential Debate, and I know everyone at Belmont is riding high with the "buzz" going on there today. Oh, I wish I could be a part of that buzz!! I tried to get tickets to the debate thinking that I could experience a wee bit of the Belmont excitement that way. But alas, no tickets were being given out or sold to the general public. Apparently, you had to be invited to attend the debate. Well, poo on that!!

I do wish all of my former Belmont co-workers much good luck today. I know there's a lot going on there, and I pray that all goes well. Enjoy the excitement, have fun, and think of me!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Weighty Issues

I have debated several times about posting about this. It's something that I will think, "Yeah, it's a good idea to post about this," and then as soon as I think that I will think, "Noooooo way! I don't want people to know my feelings about this!" Tonight I started thinking about it again, and I thought, "What the heck! Go ahead. It can't hurt." So, here goes.....

I am struggling with my weight. OK, it's out there. I can breathe a sigh of relief now. For those of you who have known me a long time (and maybe even not so long), you know I have always struggled with my weight. It is my constant enemy. Since college, my weight has been the one thing I have not been able to get control of totally. Oh sure, I will have times when I am doing well and keeping my weight under control. Then, other times my weight is controlling me instead of me controlling it. Now is one of those times.

After Sydney was born, I got back down to my pre-pregnancy weight pretty quickly. I was very happy about that! Steadily, however, over the past 18 months my weight has begun to start up the scale again, and I have now put on 10 lbs. Now, keep in mind that my pre-pregnancy weight was not ideal. Even then I was 20 lbs. heavier than I should have been. Now I am about 30 lbs. heavier than I should be. You may think 20 to 30 lbs. is no big deal, but on someone who is 5'1" it's a lot of extra weight to be carrying around. So, why did I let my weight creep back up after I got down to my pre-pregnancy weight? Why didn't I keep losing weight and get down to my "goal weight" once and for all? Good questions. I have been asking myself those two questions A LOT lately, and I am trying to figure out the answers. Here are a few of my thoughts...

First, I don't exercise enough. Now, I know the "experts" will say, "All you need is 30 minutes a day to exercise!" but let's be honest here. Between work, taking care of a toddler, taking care of a hubby, cooking, cleaning, the ENDLESS laundry, and let's not forget about spending time with God (another post entirely for another day!), there just isn't a lot of time left in the day for exercise. I know I am probably making excuses, and the "experts" would tell me I am "no good to anyone else if I don't put myself first," but COME ON! IT'S NOT AS EASY AS THE "EXPERTS" SAY IT IS!!!!!! I feel better since I got that off my chest!! I will be the first to admit that I do not enjoy exercising. I do not like to sweat (or "glisten" or whatever else you want to call it!). Also, exercise seems so daunting, like I have to do sooooooo much of it to see any results in my weight, that I just give up. I know, excuses excuses! I'm just saying that regular exercise is a struggle for me, that's all.

Second, I have started some weird binge eating lately. Now, I'm not talking about eating for hours on end, but I can easily down a whole bag of chips these days. It's like I start, and I can't stop. For you psycho babble people out there (and I can be one too sometimes!) I am not trying to fill some deep-seeded issue in my life. I don't have unresolved issues from my childhood that make me overeat. I am happy with my job, my marriage, and my child. It's not to the point that I need to join Overeaters Anonymous (I don't think). More than anything, I think it is stress. For all the reasons I gave for not exercising, I give the same reasons for overeating. I think maybe I overeat out of stress. That is TOTALLY possible!! Oh, and then there's also an added financial stress these days, but that is also another post for another day.

Some days are better than others in my weight struggles. I joined Weight Watchers a few weeks ago (for about the 20th time in my life), but so far not much weight has come off. I think (no, I KNOW) I am not as committed to it as I should be. I just have no motivation. Why is that?!?! What is wrong with me?!?! I know part of my lack of motivation is that losing my weight seems like such a big mountain to climb. I know there are people in this world who have needed to lose a lot more weight than I need to lose, and they have been successful at it. For me, though, 30 lbs. seems like soooooo much. I try to break it down and only think about 5 lbs. at a time, but for me it takes a looooooong time to lose 5 lbs. My body really likes being fat!! Even when I try really hard and keep on track with my weight loss efforts, it can easily take me 1 to 2 months to lose 5 lbs. It can be very frustrating!!

One thing I know for sure. I CANNOT go on like this! I HAVE to get this weight thing under CONTROL! If for no other reason, I need to do it for Sydney. I mean, what kind of example am I setting for her?? Besides, I want to be around for her for a VERY long time, and I need to get healthy in order to do that. I figure posting about my weight issues may help me stay more accountable. Since my readers will know about my weight issues, and several of you see me on a regular basis, maybe I will do better with my efforts to lick this weight thing. I am open to any advice if you want to share that with me! I know I am not the only person who struggles with their weight, but right now it is on my mind A LOT, and I really want to get this under control! Thanks for letting me share, and I will post about my weight again from time to time to let you know how I am doing!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A "Corny" Survey

So, I was driving down the road with Peeps today (that's Sydney for those of you who do not know), and she and I were sharing some candy corn. As I ate my candy corn, I started thinking about the way I eat it. I like to eat the white part first, then the orange part, and lastly the yellow part. I started wondering if other people eat their candy corn like I do, so I decided I would take a little informal survey on my blog. For those of you who wish to participate in my survey, I would like to know if you eat your candy corn all in one piece, or do you eat it in "sections" as I do? It's OK if you detest candy corn (some people do!), but if you like it, in what manner do you prefer to consume this delectible little treat??

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Waffle House Wedding

A friend of mine posted this video on Facebook, and I just had to steal it so I could share it on my blog. My favorite part of this video is the bride with the cigarette in her mouth. Priceless. Enjoy!

Waffle House Wedding