Friday, February 20, 2009

My Dear Friend, Mountain Dew

So, Lent is coming up, and while I am not Catholic, I am thinking about giving up something very precious to me for the Lent season. I think my dear friend, Mountain Dew, needs to leave my body for a while, along with most other sugar. I am waaaaaay too dependent on sugar in my diet, mostly as an energy booster (I know, I know, it's good for a quick high but then you come down hard and fast. I KNOW!!). I don't need the unnecessary calories, and sugar packs pounds on me quicker than anything.

I have always had a major sweet tooth. However, when I was pregnant, I had to give up most sugar, and carbs in general, because I had gestational diabetes. Believe it or not, it was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I think that's because I knew it was good for Sydney as well as for myself. I worked with a diabetes specialist who really kept me on track, and Sydney was born as a healthy baby on March 19th, 2007 (almost 2 years ago- YIKES!!).

Just after I gave birth to Sydney, I asked Todd to bring me a Mountain Dew. Mistake #1!! I should have NEVER taken that first sip because now I have a Mountain Dew almost every day. UGH!!! Shortly after I came home from the hospital, Wheat Thins (along with Mountain Dew, of course!) became my choice of snack. Mistake #2!! I lost my baby weight very quickly, but as I started introducing more sugar and carbs into my diet, my weight began to creep back up (I have blogged about this before!!). Now, almost two years later, I have an unhealthy dependance on sugar and carbs, and especially on Mountain Dew (not so much on Wheat Thins, though).

I figure that Lent provides a great opportunity for me to try and give up sugar, and more specifically Mountain Dew, in my diet. I'm not fooling myself into thinking it will be easy because it's "only for 40 days." Believe me, it will only be by blood, sweat, and tears that I will be able to do this!! Maybe if I blog about it along the way I will be held more accountable. If I am successful at the whole Lent thing, then maybe I will give up Mountain Dew, and most other sugars and carbs, for good. We will have to wait and see!!

Have you ever give up anything for Lent? If so, how did you do it? Did you stick with it once Lent was over??


Anonymous said...

Yea, the general consensus at the guy's house is that I should give up coffee for lent...I'm not terribly sure about that one...I don't think its an addiction at this point ;) We shall see, if I give it up its almost certain that my temperament will change hahaha

Lori said...

Hope it is going well! I have given up sweets before....but it was a long time ago and really no big deal back then. I didn't really care about sweets until I got pregnant!
I, just like you, found giving things up much easier during pregnancy. I LOVE 2 drinks: coffee and diet Coke. I gave them both up during pregnancy AND nursing!