Sunday, September 14, 2008

Live Like You Were Dying!!

Today we finished a month-long series at church entitled "Live Like You Were Dying." The series took a look at what you might do if you knew you only had 30 days left to live. Would you love deeper, speak sweeter, give forgiveness, embrace eternity?? It was an amazing series, but I must say that today's message touched me more than the other four weeks combined. Pastor Rick spoke about embracing eternity, and the service moved me to tears. I urge you to watch today's message when you have a chance. You can go to and click on 9-14-08 to view the message. As of tonight, today's message is not posted yet, but it should be in a day or two. Once again, I urge you to watch the message. I urge you to take some quiet moments, watch the message, and really think about what it means to "embrace eternity."

Two things really touched me from today's message. First, Pastor Rick showed an interview he had done a few months ago with a member or our church who was dying of cancer. The man's name was John Reed, and he was diagnosed with cancer in his early 40's. Despite months of treatment and the doctors doing all they could, the cancer continued to consume John's body and eventually led to his death. John's view of his life and upcoming death was absolutely incredible. This man knew his purpose for living, and even in his last days he was praising and serving God. Can I get an AMEN?!?!?!

The second thing that touched me today was watching people give their lives to Christ. Our church does not always have an alter call after service each week, but we did today. After listening to Pastor Rick speak about changing our lives for eternity when we accept Christ, and then to see people come forward to do just that was so moving for me. I was in tears as I watched these people come forward and ask Jesus into their lives. It is so hard for me to put into words how much watching that meant to me. It leads me to tears thinking about it again now.

If you are interested in watching the entire "Live Like You Were Dying" series at our church, go to and watch the 8/17, 8/24, 8/31, 9/7, and 9/14 services. I hope the messages touch your heart as they did mine, and I encourage you to live each day as if it were your last!!


Stephanie said...

I never heard, how many people came down? I was serving in children's

Keeping up with the Kennedy's said...

great was great to see Todd there...I waved at him, he probably thought I was nuts...LOL