Thursday, July 31, 2008

Amazing Adventures

My newest addictions are Facebook and reading blogs. I am finding old friends, and I am discovering all that they have been doing in the past 10, 15, almost 20 years (yikes!). It is absolutely amazing to me what some of my friends have been up to.

Some of my friends are stay-at-home moms with 2, 3, 4, even 5 kids (whew! I do well with just one!). Several of these friends have blogs about their families, and I love reading their stories. Some are funny, others are thought-provoking, and some challenge me in my own quest to be a "good" mom. I am learning a lot from these friends and their stories!

One of my old church youth group friends is a pastor in Harlem (NYC!). How incredible is that! He says he and his wife love it there, and I can only imagine the adventures they have had. I wonder if I could leave the comforts of my home in Tennessee to travel to NYC and minister to people living in Harlem.......I wonder.

Another friend and his family are embarking on mission work in the Middle East. How scary! I am amazed by the faith and courage they have to go to an area of the world that is so dangerous for Americans. I pray that they stay safe and that God uses them in mighty ways. I know He will!

When I read about my friends' lives, I think about how mundane my life often is. Don't get me wrong. I love where I live, I love my family, I love my job. But honestly, my life doesn't have a lot of adventure. I am not out trying to find a lot of excitement, but when I discover what my friends' lives are like, I am reminded of how big the world is and how I could be doing so much more. I guess I need to open myself up more to the possibilities God has for me so I can see where that takes me!!


Krista Jameson said...

i read your blog too!

Anonymous said...

Bloom where you are planted as the saying goes...

Keeping up with the Kennedy's said...

I'm right there with ya girlfriend...I'm addicted to facebook and blogging!