Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sydney's BIG Accomplishment!!

On January 19, 2009, on her 22nd month birthday, little Miss Sydney Lynne (aka "Peeps" for those of you who do not know) tee-tee'd in her big girl potty!! I could not have been more proud of her! We have not been trying to potty train Sydney because she's not even 2, but she has been asking to sit on her potty from time to time. Usually, she sits there for a while, we read a few books together (thanks, Mom, for the idea of doing that to pass the time!), and "nothing" happens. We give Sydney a sticker anyway and tell her we are proud of her for trying, and we will try again later.

Yesterday was a different story! Sydney wanted to sit on the potty, so off we went to her bathroom. She kept saying "poo poo," so I figured that's what I would get in her potty (I actually DREAD cleaning poop out of her potty once she starts doing that!). We sat there for about 20 minutes when all of a sudden she tee-tee'd! You could have heard me cheering a mile away! I immediately called Daddy to tell him the great news! Sydney got some stickers, LOTS of "Good Jobs!!" from me, and hugs and kisses, too.

Later in the evening, Sydney started telling Todd she wanted to go sit on her potty, so off they went. Nothing happened that time, but we are still excited about the one tee-tee we got yesterday! We'll see what happens from here! I'm not trying to have Sydney potty trained by the time she is 2, but the sooner I can get her out of diapers, the better!! Woo Hoo!!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Amen to no more diapers!
I am sure she'll get the hang of it soon. And even if it takes a while, you get some good "quality time" reading!