Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sydney's Future Husband

One of my BESTEST friends in the whole wide world, JoAnna (aka "Nanner"), recently moved from Winston-Salem, NC to Bowling Green, KY with her husband, Will, and son, Ian. Instead of being 7 hours away from me, she is now about an hour and a half from me. Our children were born two days apart, and we have always said that they will get married some day. I mean, arranged marriages still happen in some places of the world, right? What's wrong with us arranging for our kids to get married some day??

Sydney and Ian met for the first time over the holidays. JoAnna, Will, and Ian came for dinner at my parents' house, and Sydney and Ian had great fun together! Here are a few pictures from that night:

Ian was already trying to kiss Sydney!!

The future mothers-in-law with the happy couple.

Ian with his parents, future bride, and future in-laws, minus my dad who was taking the picture.

Sydney and Ian had a blast playing together!

The rocking chair was great fun!

Sydney thought Ian was hilarious! The "furry" thing in her hair is a Christmas bow my mom gave her.

For New Year's, JoAnna, Will, and Ian came to Todd's parents' house and spent the night with us. We gave the kiddos a bath together, and they were tooooo cute!! I hope I posted pics that won't offend anyone!

On the morning of New Years Day, Ian and Sydney decided to have some tea together. They were very good at sharing!!

Todd and I are looking forward to many more fun times with JoAnna, Will, and Ian! Welcome to the family!! :-)


Stephanie said...

so cute they are

Anonymous said...

Oh good golly such impropriety ;) Careful now, I met my one true love in kindergarten, the lass scampered away during elementary school, but I'm convinced had my parents forced us to interact in such scandalous ways, I might very well have married the young lady :P

hahaha adorable photos